Setting for a Fairy Tale by Joseph Cornell
With all the mask and puppet making of the past few months, I’ve been itching to get back to some collage work. Making the collages for Alice in Plunderland was completely absorbing. I loved it. I had fun at my show too, and I recently received a generous cheque from the Ontario Arts Council for Exhibition Assistance, making it all the sweeter. Thank you OAC!
Now I’m combing through books to find a fairy tale or legend to illustrate, but the more books I look at, the more source material I flip through, the more I think I want to work on a personal project that I’ve had at the back of my mind for years. I can’t talk about it of course – not until it’s well underway.
As I think about collage, read stories and look at images, one of my favourite pieces of art, Joseph Cornell’s Setting for a Fairy Tale, keeps coming to my mind. It is so simple, elegant, beautiful, and it contains untold stories of promise and heartache.