Puppet-in-progress in my studio-in-progress.
Making life-size puppets is very hard but also extremely rewarding. I picked up many tips on making big puppets when I was in Atlanta a couple of weeks ago at XPT at the Center for Puppetry Arts from Michael Harrison, whose puppet play, Coyote Love, closed the show. It featured two beautifully-made life-size puppets. My puppets aren't as elegant, but I had fun making them. I love how puppet making employs so many skills - sculpting, painting, engineering, haircutting, etc. These puppets are for Shotgun Wedding in Niagara Falls, Ontario. It runs June-October.
By Wednesday, a day off and then straight into a few mask commissions. I do love my work.
Still reading the Angela Carter biography, still listening to the Bombay Bicycle Club obsessively, but mixing in a little RL Burnside and the Talking Heads. Always the Talking Heads.