
The Longest Drop

Is it just me, or is pandemic life busier than non-pandemic life? I feel like all that time where I’m not going anywhere should free up a good chunk of my life, but instead, days blend and I have to make a great effort to read, take leisurely walks, or update my website. I’ll update this site soon, but in the meantime, I’m going to try to catch up on posting news. So first up, The Longest Drop, a fun shadow puppet project I did with clarinetist and Dan School colleague Kornel Wolak. We created it for Ontario Culture Days. Pandemic problems: How do you collaborate during a pandemic? How do you puppeteer something alone that was intended for two? How do you adapt space? We adapted. Pandemic work seems to be all about adaptation. Ontario Culture Days was all online last fall, and Kornel and I were delighted to be part of it.